Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

Blast, The. "PHOTOGRAPHS OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI (GENSUIKIN)." Gensuikin. Web. 31 Jan. 2011. <>.

This website was very informative with photos and accurate information and stats about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This website would be very helpful in case I decide to make a poster, because of its many horrific pictures of the events.  I found this source to be credible because was made by the Congress of Japan Against the A- and H-Bombs, which is one of japans largest anti-nuclear and peace movement organizations.  May tend to be bias because of their purpose to promote peace and decrease the use of nuclear technology.

"The First Atomic Bomb Blast, 1945." EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who lived it. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. <>.

This source made little or no reference to the actual bombs dropped on Japan in 1945, but provided specific details about the creator’s reactions to the first test atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico.  I found this source credible because it is in direct reference to the account papers of General Ferrell who as there to experience the event.  This help was little helping me better understand my topic. 

"Hiroshima and Nagasaki Photo Gallery." History. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2011. < >.

This site provided photos for the ladder stages of the creation of my website.  Although this site and particular gallery of photos that I viewed were not all directly related to my topic and were therefore less helpful.  Although this site is credible because it is providing photos, which are primary sources, and is a major television corporation dedicated to history. 

"Our Answer to Japan." New York Times 7 July 1945: pg. 22. Print.

This source, although short in length was helpful in understanding the typical American and American politician view and attitude towards the war with Japan and their refusal of surrender.  The authors American narcissistic view practically bleeds though this newspapers article, and make it clear that they feel they have the right to drop the atomic bombs.  Because this source is mostly opinion, and written during the time of World War II, its voice and content must be taken into consideration. 

Siemes, Father Johannes. "Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima." War Times Journal. 2007. Web. 02 Jan. 2011. <>.

This is a seemingly credible resource because it is the first hand account of Father Johannes Siemes, who survived the bombing of Hiroshima.  This source doesn’t seem altogether bias on either side, regardless of his residence in Hiroshima, but is rather documentation of the experience.  This source was somewhat helpful, but was too anecdotal to provide many facts and information. 

"Surviving the Atomic Attack on Hiroshima, 1945." EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who lived it. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. <>.

This source was derived from the written account of a man living in Hiroshima during the atomic bombing of 1945.  The events describe are backed up by other sources, and are obviously true, but bias for the Japanese point of view because of the eyewitness’s personal experience with the suffering that took place.  This source was useful in helping put into perspective these tragic events in the history of the Japanese people.  

Secondary Sources

"Countries involved in World War Two  ." aviation history, history of flight, century of flight. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <http://www.century-of>.

"Declaration of War to Japan speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt December 8th 1941." Famous Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2011. < >.

This source was useful for the quotes for use in my website.  Although, the credibility is questionable because it provides little or no sources and authors of the website.  This is a useful site for finding quotes from various famous figures.

DiBacco, Thomas V., Lorna C. Mason, and Christian G. Appy. History of the United States Civil War to the present. Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littell, 1997. Print.

The textbook History of the United States Civil War to the Present was not overly informative on the atomic bombing of Japan.  But, seeing as it has several authors and editors and is taught to public schools in Washington I find it to be a credible source.  At the same time because this book was written by Americans for Americans it may be slightly bias towards the righteousness of the actions of the United States because kids are taught to have faith in their country. 

Dietrich, Bill. "Seattle Times Trinity Web: Dropping the Bomb." The Seattle Times | Seattle Times Newspaper. Web. 28 Feb. 2011. <>.

This site was useful for the viewpoints presented on whether or not the bombs dropped on Japan were necessary.  This source is also seemingly credible because it is a trusted news source for in Washington.  This site had little use after the initial research phase of my project.m

The Encyclopedia Americana International ed. Danbury, Connecticut.: Grolier inc., 2001. Print.

This source provided the very basic non-bias background information on the atomic bomb.  It provided very useful information for understanding the science and design behind the atomic bombs and how they came into creation.  I found this book to be credible because of its various authors and editors.  Also, I found this source in the Shorewood library. 

Frédéric, Louis. Japan encyclopedia . Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002. Print.

This source was valuable for its historical context information on the city of Hiroshima in Japan.  Also, it showed the city’s value as a potential atomic bomb target.  I find this source to be credible because of its origins at the press of Harvard University and various authors.  Although this source may be bias because of its obvious Japanese interests or view. 

Hall, John Whitney. The Cambridge history of Japan . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 19881999. Print.

I found this source to be credible because of its origins with the Cambridge Univsersity Press and various resources.  Although, this source seemed to have a Japanese bias.  This source we helpful in understanding the events of World War II in more detail, and understanding the successes and failures on both sides. 

January, By. "The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 1945." Department of Energy - CFO Home. Web. 17 Dec. 2010. <>.

This website provided American stats and information on the atomic bombing of Japan, called the “Manhattan Project.”  It had useful information and pictures on the atomic bombs themselves, and their impact.  This was a government created website, (hence .gov) and is therefore most likely accurate. 

Lee, Loyd E.. World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the war's aftermath, with general themes: a handbook of literature and research. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. Print.

This source was extremely helpful in understanding the various events that went on during World War II, involving and not involving the atomic bombs used by the U.S.  Although it’s excessive amounts of information was hard to read and extract valuable points from.  This source is credible because of its many authors and references.  Also, this source can be found in the UW Suzzalo library. 

Long, Doug. "Hiroshima." Hiroshima, was it necessary?. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2011. < >.

This source was extremely useful for quotes that would make the finishing touches to my website.  It was very helpful and provided quotes from many American politicians about the bombs.  Although, the credibility of this site is questionable, as the author made this website seemingly out of his own interest and did not credit sources. 

"The Manhattan Project." The Manhattan Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2011. < >.

This website provided some useful photos and information about my topic.  The “.edu” unfortunately is the only evidence of credibility, as there is no author or publishing date on this site.  I used photos from this site several times in my presentatin.

Metcalf, Adam. "[Regents Prep Global History] Conflict: World Wars." Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. <>.

This site has useful information and pictures regarding the world wars.  The “Axis” map was a great visual that I included on my website.  This site was not only useful but credible as well, as it was set up by a school district for students. 

Saari, Peggy, and Aaron Maurice Saari. The Holocaust and World War II almanac V1. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Print.

This source was helpful in understanding the U.S. pressure on Japan to unconditionally surrender, and their urgency to make them agree to do so.  It also refers to American and Allied war strategies and priorities, which is helpful in understanding the decision to use the atomic bombs.  I found this source to be credible because of its separate references for each chapter and section regarding new topics. 

Saari, Peggy, and Aaron Maurice Saari. The Holocaust and World War II almanac V2. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Print.

This volume of this textbook had a wide range of information on the different bombs used by the U.S. (atomic,) and bombs use elsewhere for example in Germany.  Also, this had good information and credibility in its chapter on the “Excerpt of Truman’s comments on the Manhattan Project from Memoirs by Harry S. Truman.” This was useful in understanding the President’s view of that time. 

Tucker, Spencer, and Priscilla Mary Roberts. Encyclopedia of World War II: a political, social, and military history. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Print.

This book was extremely informative on the United States politician’s views around the time of World War II regarding the creation and use of the atomic bombs.  It gave good background on the steps of creation and process at which the Manhattan Project was brought up.  This book seemed fairly non-bias because of its explanation of the almost hasty decisions to use the bombs to end the war even though Americans wrote it.  I found this source credible because of its various authors and editors and because of direct quotes within the text.

U.S. Army Center for Military History.. "Brief History of WWII: Japan's Offensive." World War II History Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <>.

This source was not all together helpful with the presentation, but provided some useful information about WWII.  The credibility of this site is questionable as it provides no author and has many adds.  

Walker, Jim. "Nazi photos." (Freethinkers). N.p., 2 Mar. 1998. Web. 4 Apr. 2011. <>.

This source was very useful for providing photos related to my topic.  I deem this source credible on the basis that it has credited several authors and gives sources for every photo it displays. 

Young, Kevin. "Kevin Young: The Atomic Bombing of Japan." CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names. Bounds Magazine, 6 Aug. 2008. Web. 02 Jan. 2011. <>. provided a lot of information on the communications and misunderstandings between the countries involved in the war.  This article was very bias towards use the atomic bombs, and suggested they were not needed, and did not in fact end the war with Japan.  I would not find this source particularly credible because it is an online political newsletter, but this article does contain quotes and excerpts from politicians diaries.